Thursday, July 31, 2008

Flosstradamus, Kid Sister (MC), Black Kids, Foals, The Kills 7/31

all photos courtesy of my cousin carlos.

So I found out about this show the day of, and I went in an attempt to entertain my cousin with something interesting and free. It was at the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue. There was a line? I found out later some people had been there since 11 am...weird. The Floss DJed and did not fail to deliver as usual. My favorite part was a mashup of "Around The World" and "American Boy". Kid Sister was probably getting paid obscene amounts of money to say 25 words introducing the bands and hang out with her brother. She was still hella cute though.

The Black Kids are not good. They haven't really mastered their instruments, and as a result their inexperience shows. The sister of the frontman plays several drumpads so I don't know how one could master that in the first place. Their drummer is talented but lacks control. I had never listened to anything by them besides the remix of "I'm Not Going To Teach Your Boyfriend To Dance With You" by The Twelves (it's incredible, by the way). I haven't been missing anything.

Foals were a lot better than I remember them being when I listened to their album. Their abrupt changes in rhythm and tempo make for sporadic and catchy math rock. Jack Bevan is an animal on the drums. I'll be re-obtaining their album. I got tired and left before The Kills. The end.

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