Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sampling - An Art Form

What constitutes good sampling in modern music?

The aesthetic strength of sampling lies in the ability to re-contextualize a sound in a way that challenges the listener’s perception. This could be as simple as using a popular film quote as backing for an instrumental interlude, or as complex as taking a drum or melodic sequence from a song in one genre of music and altering its pitch and tempo to make it viable for another. An artist who samples keenly will be able to imagine this finished product despite having only heard the sound in its original form. Furthermore, the combination of several samples with effects added (a popular technique) adds another layer of intricacy. Finally, when an artist is creating a song using samples, they must work diligently to maintain the idea of what they originally had in mind, so that the end product is whole and representative of the artist’s intention.

Here is an example of pretty good sampling.

and here I was, saving up for production equipment when I had some in my kitchen all along.

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