Monday, August 11, 2008

Making Raw Underground Shit

Like many of the loose tracks that are in my iTunes library, I have no idea how I obtained the song "L.A." by MURS. Sometime earlier this year, I heard it on shuffle for the first time and distinctly remember being impressed by how simple yet unique it was. The 9th Wonder-produced beat samples the roots reggae track "Atlas" by The Mighty Diamonds to create a crisp, uncluttered sound that is a welcome change from the clichéd sampling/breakbeat routine that most hip-hop producers are too quick to resort to. MURS has a great flow: He is clear, down-to-earth, and humble in his descriptions of the Southland. Listen/watch:

When I listen to this song, Los Angeles doesn't actually sound all that I sometimes imagine this guy kickin' it in his hood, making the world a better place one compost at a time. And that's a nice thought, so that's why I like this track.

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